Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Fedearl Judge Temporarily Restraints Release of Names of 
Anti-Domestic-Partnership Petition Signers in Washington States:

   Today's order, in Doe v. Reed, No. 09-5456BHS (W.D. Wash. July 29,
   2009), reads in relevant part:

     Plaintiffs seek to enjoin Defendants from releasing copies of the
     Referendum 71 petition to any third party. Specifically, Plaintiffs
     seek to prevent Defendants from releasing the names, addresses, and
     other contact information of individuals who signed the petition.
     Plaintiffs contend that release of this petition would result in a
     violation of Plaintiffs , and others' First Amendment rights....

     To obtain preliminary injunctive relief, the moving party must
     show: (1) a likelihood of success on the merits; (2) a likelihood
     of irreparable harm to the moving party in the absence of
     preliminary relief; (3) a balance of equities tips in the favor of
     the moving party; and (4) that an injunction is in the public

     Having considered Plaintiffs' motion, Defendants' failure to appear
     or otherwise object to Plaintiffs' motion, and the remainder of the
     record herein, the Court concludes as follows:

     1. For purposes of deciding Plaintiffs' motion for a temporary
     restraining order only, Plaintiffs have pled a colorable First
     Amendment claim, and have sufficiently demonstrated a reasonable
     likelihood of success on the merits.

     2. Plaintiffs have demonstrated a reasonable likelihood of
     irreparable harm if Defendants release the contact information of
     those individuals who signed the Referendum 71 petition.

     3. The balance of equities weighs in favor of Plaintiffs.
     Defendants and interested third parties will not be unduly
     prejudiced by delaying the release of this information until after
     this matter has been fully briefed, should Defendants ultimately
     prevail on Plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction.

     4. A temporary restraining order is in the public interest.
     Plaintiffs' complaint raises constitutional issues potentially
     affecting over 100,000 voters....

   The order lasts until Sept. 3, 2009, which is the date set for the
   hearing on a longer-lasting preliminary injunction pending a full
   decision on the merits. The plaintiff's constitutional argument --
   which the court said has "a reasonable likelihood of success on the
   merits," but which the court has not more expressly endorsed (since
   this is just a temporary restraining order aimed at maintaining the
   status quo pending a full hearing), is [1]here, and here is an
   excerpt: and[] have stated that they
     intend to make the names of the 138,500 petition signers available
     and searchable on the internet in an attempt to encourage
     Washington citizens to have a personal and uncomfortable
     conversation with any individual that has signed the petition.
     Ironically, the creators of have exercised their
     First Amendment right to remain anonymous, a choice the petition
     signers cannot make because of the Public Records Act. A temporary
     restraining order and preliminary injunction are necessary to
     protect Plaintiffs from suffering immediate and irreparable
     deprivations of their First Amendment liberties that will occur if
     Defendants release copies of the petition pursuant to the Public
     Records Act. As shall be set forth below and in Plaintiffs�
     Verified Complaint, individuals whose names are already connected
     with Referendum 71 have been subjected to threats, harassment, and
     reprisals simply for exercising their First Amendment freedoms of
     speech and association. If a temporary restraining order and
     preliminary injunction are not issued, each of the 138,500
     Washington residents who signed the Petition will suffer similar
     deprivations of their First Amendment liberties.

   For more on the subject, see [2]the prevailing lawyer's press release.

   My thought: I think there are [3]plausible arguments that voter
   signatures shouldn't be publicly released by the government. Just as
   we have a secret ballot for the ultimate votes, we could have at least
   a quasi-secret signature system for the signing of referendum,
   initiative, recall, and candidate nomination petitions. It might not
   be fully secret -- for instance, the government would know what you
   signed, though it doesn't know how you voted, and it's possible that
   the signatures would be briefly visible as other people are signing
   the petitions (though that could be minimized, for instance if there's
   just one signature per page, and each page is concealed after it's
   signed). But there are good reasons why we might choose to make it as
   close to a secret ballot as possible.

   Yet I don't think that such a system is constitutionally mandated by
   the First Amendment, just as I don't think that a secret ballot is
   constitutionally mandated by the First Amendment. Signing a petition
   is a legally significant act, and if the government chooses to
   publicize the names of people who have taken such an act, I don't
   think this abridges their freedom of speech even if the revelation
   might indeed have a deterrent effect on some people. Not all
   government action that deters people's exercise of their free speech
   rights is unconstitutional, and in particular government speech
   revealing signers' identities is not, I think, unconstitutional.

   Even overt government condemnation of certain speakers is not a First
   Amendment violation, though such condemnation might deter speakers.
   The same is even more true, I think, of a simple release of over
   100,000 names, though again I can't deny that there would be a
   deterrent effect. The judgment about how secret signatures or even
   ballots should be is a judgment that should be made legislatively (or
   by voter initiative). The First Amendment and First Amendment caselaw
   does not preclude either option.



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