Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Devices "Useful Primarily for the Stimulation of Human Genital Organs" Going to 
the Supreme Court?

   Friday, the Alabama Supreme Court upheld (by a 7-2 vote, in [1]1568
   Montgomery Highway, Inc. v. City of Hoover) a [2]state statute that
   criminalizes, among other things, "knowingly distribut[ing] ... any
   device designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of
   human genital organs for any thing of pecuniary value." (The "for any
   thing of pecuniary value," I take it, modifies "knowingly

   It's quite possible that the issue will now go to the Supreme Court.
   There was already a split on whether such statutes are constitutional
   in the wake of Lawrence v. Texas. The Eleventh Circuit upheld the
   Alabama statute in [3]Williams v. Morgan (2007), but last year the
   Fifth Circuit struck down a similar Texas statute in [4]Reliable
   Consultants, Inc. v. Earle. Texas decided [5]not to ask the U.S.
   Supreme Court to review the Fifth Circuit decision, despite the
   circuit split. But presumably the losers in the Alabama case will
   likely ask for review, and the split creates a decent chance of the
   Court's agreeing to hear the case. Last year, when I was assuming that
   Texas would indeed ask the Court to review the Reliable Consultants
   decision, I predicted that:

   (1) The Supreme Court will agree to hear the case.

   (2) The Supreme Court will conclude the statute is constitutional.

   (3) The vote will be at least 6-3, because even some of the liberals
   on the Court -- especially Justice Breyer -- and moderate conservative
   Justice Kennedy will think that the courts' power to recognize
   unenumerated rights should be saved for rights (e.g., abortion,
   contraception, sexual intimacy, parental rights, right to refuse
   medical treatment, right to live with close family members, and the
   like) that are more important in most of their exercisers' lives. And
   this is so even though the government's arguments for the practical
   benefits of the law seem comparatively weak, or as to the supposed
   immorality of the conduct, largely conclusory. The majority on the
   Court will likely conclude that such conclusory moral arguments are
   adequate except when something more important to most people's lives
   is at stake (since probably no Justice accepts the libertarian
   constitutionalist notion that a broadranging liberty to do what one
   pleases so long as it doesn't directly enough hurt others is itself so
   important that it should be recognized as a constitutional right).

   I think the chances for cert (i.e., the Supreme Court's granting
   certiorari and thereby agreeing to hear the case) are less here,
   because there's no decision of a state legislature being struck down
   by a federal court -- a sort of inter-governmental-entity split that I
   think the Court itself sees as a pointer towards review. True, the
   Texas law remains invalidated, but Texas itself chose not to fight
   that battle. Moreover, here as before the case is both of
   comparatively minor practical importance and the sort of thing that
   some Justices might see as beneath the Court's dignity. Still, there
   seems to be a decent chance of cert here.



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