Posted by Jonathan Adler:
What Treasury's Climate Memo Does [And Does Not] Reveal:

   A [1]confidential Treasury Department memo from March 2009, obtained
   by the Competitive Enterprise Institute through a FOIA request,
   purports to provide evidence that the cap-and-trade proponents have
   grossly underestimated the cost of such a program. But does it really?

   Here is the relevant portion of the document, as redacted by the
   Treasury Department:

     While such a program can yield economic benefits that justify its
     costs, it will raise energy prices and impose annual costs on the
     order of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX dollars. At the same time, given the
     Administration's proposal to auction all emission allowances, a
     cap-and-trade program could generate annual receipts on the order
     of $100 to $200 billion annually. Finally, by encouraging
     investments in clean energy sources, climate policy could increase
     the fiscal cost of existing energy tax provisions, such as
     renewable electricity and biofuel tax credits.

   [The Xed out portions are redacted in the memo.]

   The revenue estimate above -- $100 to $200 billion -- is explicitly
   based upon the auction of all allowances, so it is not a fair
   representation of the cost of the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill
   that passed the House. These revenues are costs to energy producers --
   costs that would be passed along to consumers -- but the Waxman-Markey
   bill provides for giving away most of the carbon allowances, so it
   would generate less revenue, and thus would impose lower direct costs
   on emitting firms. Waxman-Markey is far more than just a cap-and-trade
   bill, so other provisions of the bill would cost consumers in other
   ways, but these are not addressed in the Treasury memo. So, contrary
   to some claims, the memo does not reveal a secret Obama Administration
   cost estimate for existing cap-and-trade legislation. [More from the
   Washington Post [2]here.]

   The Treasury memo may be significant in another way, however, insofar
   as it represents the Administration's view of its obligations under
   the Freedom of Information Act. Portions of the memo above providing
   greater detail about the Treasury Department's assessment of the
   potential economic impact of a cap-and-trade program were withheld.
   And for what reason? Notations on the memo indicate these estimates
   were redacted under FOIA exemption (b)(5). This exemption allows the
   federal government to withhold "inter-agency or intra-agency
   memorandums of letters which would not be available by law to a party litigation with the agency." As [3]explained by the Justice
   Department, this exemption applies to "those documents, and only those
   documents that are normally privileged in the civil discovery
   context." Yet the Treasury Department did not maintain that the
   memorandum in its entirety was exempt, just a few clauses and
   sentences providing more complete cost estimates. I will admit I am
   not a FOIA expert, but this does not appear to be a faithful
   application of the relevant exemption, let alone the Administration's
   [4]stated FOIA policy. It also cannot help but feed suspicions that
   the Administration has not been candid about the potential costs of
   proposed climate policies. As Roger Pielke, Jr. [5]comments: "Memo to
   politicians: if you have nothing to hide, then don't hide anything."



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