Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Rights and Corporations:

   Since the topic is in the news again, I thought I'd briefly repost --
   in a slightly modified form -- this item that I blogged several years

   A reader asked me to elaborate on my comment about corporations having
   rights; here are some general observations of mine on the subject.
   Note that the following speaks only of corporate constitutional rights
   -- naturally, corporations have many rights protected by common-law
   and statute as well -- and in particular of the rights in the Bill of
   Rights and the body of the Constitution. (The rights do not include
   the right to vote, which is not expressly in the Bill of Rights or in
   the Constitution.)

   1. Consequences. The New York Times is owned by a corporation. Most
   private universities are organized as corporations. So are most
   nonprofit advocacy groups. So are many religious groups (though I
   believe some are organized through some special quasi-corporate
   forms). If you really believe that corporations lack constitutional
   rights, then the government would be free to ban corporate-run
   newspapers from criticizing the government, or ban the Catholic Church
   or the ACLU or the NRA from expressing its views.

   Likewise, if corporations lack constitutional rights, the government
   could take their property without just compensation, and in fact
   without any hearing. It could just come in and grab it, no questions

   Now some people might think this is the right result. Or perhaps if
   this happened, people would stop using the corporate form --
   newspapers, advocacy groups, and churches would somehow reorganize
   themselves as, say, partnerships or sole proprietorships. This might
   actually be hard, and from the perspective of people who disapprove of
   corporate rights, it might be counterproductive; what's the point of
   letting the Times have constitutional rights if it's run as a
   partnership but not if it's run as a corporation? But for now, my
   point is simply that we should clearly identify the consequences of
   denying constitutional rights to corporations -- and those
   consequences hardly seem sensible.

   2. Individual rights. One reason these results may seem senseless is
   that restricting the rights of corporations usually means restricting
   the rights of individuals. If you take the property of a corporation
   without compensation, whom are you really hurting? Not "the
   corporation," which is, indeed, a convenient legal fiction. You're
   hurting the corporation's owners.

   If you accept the legal fiction of the corporation being a separate
   person, then taking its property violates its rights. But if you
   reject that fiction, as a means of arguing that the corporation should
   lack rights, then taking its property violates its owners' rights.
   Either way, the Takings Clause should apply; and that's what suggests
   that the legal fiction (a corporation is a person) is a sensible one
   here -- using it makes analysis easier, but doesn't ultimately change
   the results much.

   The same goes for the Due Process Clause, the Civil Jury Trial Clause,
   and so on. If you take a corporation's property, or let it be taken
   through certain procedures, you're affecting the property of
   individual owners. There's therefore no real reason to deny these
   rights to the corporation.

   Likewise for free speech. Corporations don't actually speak; people
   speak. A corporation's employee (a person) communications information
   that is decided on by a group of managers (people) who represent the
   stockholders (other people). Barring the New York Times or the ACLU or
   the Catholic Church or General Motors from speaking bars real people
   from speaking using the corporation's property.

   Aha, some might say, the real people aren't silenced -- they can still
   speak using their own property. But the Court has long understood that
   to speak effectively in a vast nation, you need to be able to pool
   your resources with others (even in this cyberspace age).

   The Court has recognized this under the rubric of the right to
   expressive association, but the same applies to speech via
   corporations. When people contribute money to the ACLU, so that the
   ACLU's directors can decide what ACLU's spokespeople say, the
   contributors are making a decision to pool their resources so that
   some decisionmakers (the directors) can decide how to use them to
   speak. And the same goes for GM shareholders -- they are pooling their
   resources and giving them to some decisionmakers (GM managers) so they
   can decide how to spend the resources, including spending them for
   speech, whether advertising or political advocacy.

   ([1]Show more.)

   3. Original meaning. The Framers wrote in an era before the emergence
   of the general-purpose corporation chartered under generally available
   statutes. There was some talk by some prominent American political
   leaders -- generally some time after the Framing -- that expressed
   hostility to corporate influence on politics. But from what I've seen,
   none of this expressly speaks to what the constitutional rights of
   corporations should be; nor does it deal with the modern legal regime
   under which a corporate charter isn't a special grant to a favored
   group by a legislature enacting a custom statute, but rather a
   generally available legal entitlement. Perhaps there's some evidence
   that may emerge that would prove dispositive or at least influential
   to originalists. But I haven't seen any such evidence so far.

   4. Constraining government power. Constitutional rights aren't meant
   only to protect individuals; they're also meant to constrain
   government power. The freedom of speech is valuable because it keeps
   the officials who are now in the government from suppressing
   criticism, and thereby entrenching their power. Procedural rights are
   valuable because they keep the government from punishing dissenters
   through arbitrary arrest, search, and imprisonment.

   This rationale applies to corporate rights as well as to individual
   ones. Consider, for instance, [2]First National Bank v. Bellotti
   (1978), where the Court clearly held that corporations generally have
   free speech rights. The Massachusetts legislature wanted the voters to
   give the legislature the power to impose an income tax. Various
   corporations -- which is to say, the managers of the corporations,
   whom the stockholders gave the power to speak on behalf of the
   corporations -- opposed the income tax. So to get the tax enacted, the
   legislature banned corporations from speaking out about most proposed
   ballot measures. If the government had the power to thus shut out one
   large set of speakers from the public debate, it would have tremendous
   power indeed.

   Likewise, if the government had the power to freely take corporate
   property, think how much leverage this would give it. "Hmm, you don't
   want us to take your business away from you? Just make sure you don't
   speak out too much against us."

   5. Creatures of the government. But wait, some might say: Corporations
   are created by the government; they only exist because of
   government-issued charters; why can't the government attach conditions
   to those charters, e.g., "If you get a corporate charter, you can't
   use it to express your views about ballot measures"?

   The Supreme Court, though, has long (and correctly) recognized that
   the government does not have a free hand to impose conditions on
   grants of benefits. When the government controls 25-30% of the GNP,
   and has vast regulatory power over the economy, imagine what it could
   do using conditions. "Want a tax refund? Promise not to spend in on
   anti-government activity." "Want to buy a chunk of federally owned
   land to build a home? Promise to let us search your house whenever we
   like, without any excuse." "Want a corporate charter? Promise not to
   criticize the government."

   The government does have considerable power to define the rules of
   property, contract, and corporations, especially if it's changing them
   for the future. (Retroactively attaching conditions to corporate
   grants is much more problematic.) If a state chose to bar the creation
   of any new corporations, it could do that, and newspapers, nonprofits,
   and businesses would have to organize as partnerships or sole
   proprietorships or other entities. But this power to bar corporate
   charters altogether does not give the government the power to say "We
   will give you a corporate charter, but only if you promise to waive
   your constitutional rights."

   6. Economic power. But doesn't this allow the creation of entities
   with great economic and thus political power? Well, it's true that the
   corporate form does make it easier for people to pool their resources
   -- whether for business, for the business of news reporting, for
   nonprofit advocacy, for religious activity, or for other purposes. Had
   the corporate form not been invented, we'd probably have fewer such
   power centers.

   We'd probably also have far less wealth, technological progress,
   health, and military security (since wealth tends to on balance bring
   health and military security). The aggregation of economic and
   political power does create some risks for democracy, for instance by
   making it easier for power centers (whether corporations, unions, or
   other interest groups) to lobby for government handouts and
   protectionist measures. But modern economic history suggests that such
   aggregation of power is necessary to effectively develop and
   distribute consumer products, tools, medicines, food, and so on.

   Finally, remember that the federal government is the largest single
   aggregation of economic and political power. It controls 20% of the
   GNP (the 25-30% figure includes state and local governments). It
   controls the military. It can pass laws that govern our lives.

   Stripping all corporations of speech rights won't materially empower
   individuals; individuals are generally powerful to the extent that
   they can form themselves into groups. Stripping for-profit
   corporations and unions of speech rights will comparatively empower
   nonprofit corporations (religious entities, the NAACP, the NRA, and so
   on), since they won't have the media or other business corporations as

   But the group that has the most to gain from denying corporations free
   speech rights is the government, which will have even fewer power
   centers to balance its tremendous power.

   ([3]Hide most of the rest.)


   1. file://localhost/var/www/powerblogs/volokh/posts/1253637850.html
   3. file://localhost/var/www/powerblogs/volokh/posts/1253637850.html

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