Posted by Kenneth Anderson:
Hoover 's John B. Taylor is Econo-Blogging:

   Stanford Professor and Hoover Institution senior fellow John B. Taylor
   has started up a blog, [1]Economics One. His short Hoover Press book
   on the monetary origins of the financial crisis, [2]Getting Off Track:
   How Government Actions and Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and
   Worsened the Financial Crisis, was a surprise intellectual
   intervention in analysis of the crisis and an instant
   mini-best-seller, as this kind of book goes. I don't pretend to any
   knowledge of monetary economics, but I am already a fan of Professor
   Taylor's blog (he makes interesting comments in a new posting, by the
   way, on his recent co-authored piece in the WSJ on the effect (non) of
   the stimulus).

   (Tangentially, the director of the [3]Hoover Institution remarked at a
   meeting on something different I was at yesterday that, just from a
   pure publishing standpoint, the speed with which [4]Hoover Press was
   able to produce a very short, elegantly written essay, put it in a
   handsome hardback format with good design, high quality paper stock,
   great graphics, and get it out via Amazon backed up by Hoover Press
   directly to readers has altered how the institution thinks about
   in-house production. I wonder whether other think tanks or university
   presses will consider this model? Getting Off Track has sold something
   like 20,000 copies, and I would guess 80% have been via Amazon. I
   mean, you have to start with a great book, and let it go viral - but
   reducing the production cycle from over a year to a few weeks, with
   readers knowing they can just hit the one-click button and get two day
   Amazon Prime delivery ...)



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