Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Academic Officiousness Gets Results:

   I'm pleased to report that the city of Pipestone, Minnesota (pop.
   4000) has [1]amended City Code ch. 10 � 10.01, subd. 1E to read

     It is unlawful for any person to: ...

     E. Possess any other dangerous article or substance for the purpose
     of being used unlawfully as a weapon against another; ...

   It had [2]earlier read,

     It is unlawful for any person to: ...

     E. Possess any other dangerous article or substance for the purpose
     of being used lawfully as a weapon against another; ...

   I ran across this in doing research for my article on nonlethal
   weapons, and e-mailed the city attorney's office to ask whether this
   was a typo; I was told that it was, and then to my surprise was told
   that -- now that they knew about it -- the city would change it.
   Woohoo! Now that's high impact law reform work for you. I hope my dean
   gives me suitable credit.

   (Note that the change happened a few months ago, but I only now
   remembered to check on whether it had indeed happened.)



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