Hi Jonathan,

This is my first message to this mailing list. I used only observe the 
conversation but your message convinced to reply.

First, I'd note I didn't read fully your message but only skimmed it and I saw 
your remark point on the link which was supposed to "prove your point" on 2nd 


> In their experiments, the team was able to generate 69 picowatts of light 
> from just 30 picowatts of energy. They did so by harnessing waste heat, which 
> is caused by vibrations in the bulb's atomic lattice, to compensate for the 
> losses in electrical power. The device also reacts to ambient heat in the 
> room to increase its efficiency and power the bulb.

This means that they only used some ambient energy kinetic / heat caused by 
power propagation losses on the wire.

( so still zero sum law is preserved in bigger "box" aka closed system )

No 2nd law has been yet empirically disproved ( because you can't prove 
something true in physics using mathemical terms ).

Kind regards,

On June 14, 2024 11:37:02 AM GMT+02:00, Jonathan Berry 
<jonathanberry3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi, so I have this year become quite convinced that I have found flaws in
>Carnot's concepts and how it has been used and how it makes the second law
>able to be broken.
>It is based on the following truths:
>1. Carnot heat engine efficiency is NOT related to input energy (the
>thermal potential) but to *total* thermal energy on the hot side and as
>such it is meaningless and the true efficiency possible relative to
>the invested energy is 100%.  Consider an environment where everything is
>300 Kelvin and we heat up a reservoir from 300 to 400 Kelvin the invested
>energy in 1/4th of the total energy in the reservoir and the Carnot
>efficiency is 25%.   If we have the cold side at absolute Zero Kelvin 100%
>of the energy can be used and Carnot's equation tells us it is 100%!  And
>if everything is at 1 Billion degrees and we heat up the reservoir 100
>degrees hotter than anything else the Carnot efficiency drops to 0.00001%
>and again only 0.00001% of the total thermal energy in the 1,000,000,100
>Kelvin reservoir is our input energy!
>2. If we use the ideal gas law (PV=nRT) to calculate the increase in
>pressure of a gas between these 3 temp ranges we find that in each case the
>100 degree Kelvin temp rise creates the EXACT SAME PRESSURE INCREASE (from
>0 to 100K, 300 to 400K, 1B to 1B+100K) and therefore if the same force is
>placed on a piston and equal amount of thermal energy will be converted
>into mechanical energy from the same amount of invested energy.  This
>includes in the Carnot heat engine efficiency is meant to be just
>0.00001%.   So for our 100 Kelvin of thermal energy invested we get the
>same energy out regardless of the offset temp even though the Carnot
>efficiency changes WILDLY!
>3. The energy we have not input (the ambient thermal energy in the
>reservoir) can be ignored much as can the energy stored in the matter as
>e=mc2, this is both because we didn't invest it, it isn't lost (it remains
>in the reservoir) and because it's percentage of the total energy become
>insignificant if the reservoir is being actively heated as the thermal
>energy is being actively used.  So not only is it relevant it is also over
>time a tiny and truly insignificant amount of energy as something runs over
>hours let alone months, years or decades the amount of input energy dwarfs
>the tiny initial thermal ambient energy.
>4. If the efficiency of a heat engine in relation to the heat energy
>invested to run it can reach 100% of the input energy in theory (A Carnot
>ideal heat engine) then the fact that heatpumps have a COP of easily 5 but
>can do as high as 30 in literature but even that is not the max and won't
>include the simultaneous "waste" cooling which a heat engine can also use!
>But the point is if a heat engine can always have a max
>theoretical efficiency of 100% and a real world efficiency of 60% or higher
>and heat pumps produce 5 to 30 times more heat than if that energy was
>directly converted to heat...  Then we have first off no basis to explain
>the efficiency of heat pumps as "reverse Carnot cycle" but also this means
>that the efficiency of one is NOT the reciprocal of the other, a heat pump
>is not more efficient over a temp range where ideal heat engines are
>inefficient as their efficiency is always 100%!
>5. Carnot also argued that all ideal heat engines operating between the
>same 2 thermal potentials must have the same efficiency and if some had
>higher or lower efficiencies the lower efficiency then the second law could
>be broken as the more efficient one can drive the less efficient one as a
>higher COP heatpump (lower thermal equivalent of lenz law drag on a
>generator) and this could create a perpetual motion machine, well first off
>he was assuming that the smaller the thermal difference the lower the heat
>engine efficiency which we now know is always 100%, but if it was like he
>thought his arguments breaks down when we put either 2 or more heat engines
>in series (each heat engine is over a smaller thermal potential and would
>have a lower efficiency) or 2 or more heat pumps cascaded can have a huge
>COP (10, 20, 30 or maybe even higher, not that more than 2-3 is needed) and
>an arbitrarily high thermal potential between the hot and cold side.
>6. While a Heat pump COP of 3 might be enough to drive a heat engine
>running (based on real world heat engine efficiencies) to close the loop,
>the following can be considered, firstly a COP 5 heatpump is quiet
>available but the cooling COP (EER) is going to be similar but a little
>lower, say 4.7 or so, well as the heat engine needs a hot and cold side the
>colder than ambient cold is just as useful (depending on the heat engine
>technology and we can offset the whole experiment if we like) and as such a
>COP of 5 becomes closer to a combined COP/EER of 10, and also the rated COP
>is running hard out 100% of rated power, when running at lower power the
>COP of a commercial heatpump can be higher (double or better!) and go to a
>COP of 10 anyway which would not be a COP/EER of 20 when we consider both
>sides.  Next the compressed gas is just let to expand but expanding gases
>can be used to drive pneumatic motors, when this has been used to lower the
>load on the compressor the compressors load is reduced by up to 90% when
>air was the refrigerant!  It might be lower for systems using gasses that
>undergo a phase change but a 50% reduction would again double the COP
>again!   As such while heat engines that operate at 50-60% are not
>unreasonable the COP can be so high that even if the heat engine efficiency
>was 10% it should be possible to make this work, any way you do the math
>there is AMPLY room between the high COP's of potentially cascaded
>heatpumps (allowing high temp differences over any temp range) and the
>real-world efficiencies of heat engines to have, even after every type of
>loss, loop the system, and remember as 100% of the excess heat (thermal
>potential over and above the cold side which is below ambient) can be in
>theory be converted even a heat pump with a COP of 1 with an EER on the
>cold side of 1, that's a combined value of 2 and so with a truly ideal but
>theoretically possible heat engine even a heat pump with a hot side COP of
>1 (which ignores it's theoretically 100% efficiency as a resistive load
>also) could have twice as much mechanical energy output than input!
>Carnot efficiency is, well it's the wrong word, if I have a hydro dam that
>is half full and I fill it up with water and then let the water out and
>with 100% efficiency convert the energy to electrical power but when the
>damn gets half empty I stop it, then does that mean my exceptional
>generator has only a 50% efficiency?!  No!  It has 100% efficiency and for
>some reason or another I left water in the Damn, same with Carnot, you
>leave thermal energy that was always in the reservoir, but that shouldn't
>be conflated with efficiency!   If I have a generator that is 100%
>Efficient but the Copper and Steel it is made with could offer Galvanic
>energy as a battery if allowed to, should we subtract that energy that it
>could offer us to lower the efficiency rating of the generator???  Clearly
>that would be absurd!
>So Carnot Efficiency has been presented to tell us several things, that low
>grade heat cannot be converted to other forms as efficiently to other forms
>of energy compared to higher grade heat, however even if functionally this
>is often true in practice Carnot's Efficiency (η=1−TC/TH) tells us no such
>thing and as such it's possible in theory to find better ways, I would also
>note that pressure increase is linear with temperature difference and as
>such I suspect in theory that the efficiency of a heat engine (akin to a
>Stirling Engine) could operate with the same efficiency over any
>temperature even if the engineering might be unrealistic/complicated.
>It also doesn't tell us that heat pumps must have a higher COP over smaller
>temperature difference (and the reasons this seems to be so might be due to
>other factors such as sizing of tubing and radiators which are known to
>have huge impacts on efficiency) as their COP is not a result of Carnot
>Efficiency or Reverse Carnot Efficiency.
>It doesn't explain why heat pumps have a COP much above 1 and why that
>isn't a violation of the second law and as it isn't because of Carnot
>Efficiency then there is no reason a heat engine can't output more
>mechanical energy from a heat pumps thermal outputs than drives the heat
>pump, and the heat engine is not barred from being 100% efficient (which if
>the COP of a heat pump is 30 that means 30 times more mechanical energ out
>than in) and the COP of the heat pump is not explained as a reversal of
>Carnot Efficiency as the Efficiency relative to input is 100%, but if it
>were somehow related to Carnot "pueudo-Efficiency" it would be that the
>hotter the ambient the higher COP the heat pump and not about the
>difference between the hot and cold side as we have established that has no
>impact on any underlying efficiency calculation, in part because the ideal
>gas law is linear, though maybe with phase changes higher COP can be
>achieved, but again even if a heat pump's COP were higher at low temp
>differences you can cascade them to make an arbitrarily large temp
>differences at arbitrarily high COP, seemingly a COP of 60 should be
>possible maybe higher, I can document a COP 30 from scientific papers and
>also a COP of 20 from another and again they don't include the cold side
>and likely weren't recovering energy stored and generally wasted from the
>pressurized refrigerant which typically just goes through a valve.
>The second law is really Philosophy masquerading as Physics, the Philosophy
>of "there is no free lunch" and yet both the philosophy and its
>embodiment in Physics is contracted by logic and evidence at least under
>the correct conditions.
>I would also note that there was an LED that MIT made that created cooling
>and output 230% more energy:
>So the second law is dead and a lot of Physicists don't truly believe in it
>(Sabine Hossenfelder for one) and it's better to pull the plaster off
>because when we do we can make heatpumps that power houses, power cars
>It is clear to me as it can be that my argument is conclusive, it isn't
>flawed and I'm not misunderstanding Carnot's work or how it has been
>interpreted or how he used it or how it has been interpreted by the world
>over the past 200 years since 1824.
>Also while it might be said that Carnot's Theory wasn't really trying to
>address the input and that it's merely been "misunderstood" it is clear
>that from many sources the arguments I have debunks many conclusions that
>have been held of what Carnot's work implies, indeed I asked an LLM just to
>double check the conclusions that are normally drawn and they are what I
>have busted above.
>So if no one can point out some massive flaw which I don't believe exists,
>then it seems the value to the world from this being recognized could be
>And so I think a peer reviewed paper should be written and I might as well
>start off here.
>So let me know what you think.
>Any agreements? Disagreements? Want to help me write this like a paper?  Do
>you have any tips on getting this published or who I could take it to?
>Should we just ignore massive errors in Physics that cost the world
>immeasurably and let things continue???
>Should possible discoveries be ignored without even trying to see if they
>make sense?
>Do you understand?
>Can you disprove this?
>Imagine the following.
>We have a hot reservoir, we put a piston to it and the gas becomes hot,
>when it becomes hot enough we allow the piston to move thereby letting the
>gas expand and become cooler and we get mechanical energy output, if the
>only warmth was absorbed by the gas then the gas could have actually have
>expanded to the point of having no more heat than the cold side and as such
>we could do without a cold side almost!
>Nevertheless let's assume it's a bit warm, we let it touch the cold side
>and then the gas cools off and a force is developed and finally we let it
>collapse the Pison, more energy and again it's hot, more energy goes into
>the cold side until it's as cold and compressed as it will get.
>Note, another way to look at the Efficiency of a heat engine is not to
>consider the total thermal energy in the thermal reservoir, but to consider
>how far the thermal energy that does move, well how far IT falls.
>However while we might come to the conclusion that the energy going from
>400 Kelvin to 300 Kelvin is only spanning 1/4 of the total distance it
>could go, we must realize than it we put the same amount of energy in at
>zero Kelvin and raised int to 100 Kelvin it would have the same distance to
>fall and would be the same investment of energy, so that it has the same
>distance to fall as in the example with a Carnot Efficiency of 100% means
>that with respect to the energy added we have the same efficiency of

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