Hi Frank.

You Ask.
>Would posting such information on Vortex be an unacceptable 
>threat to the membership  more specifically to the key 
>members like Bill Beaty, etc?

Not at all. The flaw in your hypothesis is that a real solution
will be recognized as such. It will most certainly not be.
Not because the solution sounds insane, but because it sounds so solid.

Let's look at an example close to home. Our own Ed Storms has
written some nice papers which can be found on Jed's site.
He writes in some detail about reproducible CF experiments. He
even begins to address second order considerations. Very
solid work. And roundly ignored. Ed could probably be selling
10KW generators out of the back of his Winnebago, and still
be ignored. He's not dead yet, a little angry maybe, ever ask
yourself why???

Now consider Joe Newman. Your average household mollusk could probably
be counted on to understand why this is fraudulent. Yet
your average small investor most certainly cannot. Joe has
raked in some real money over the past 20 odd years, and
he's still taking checks. This despite many debunkings. In
fact, the more it's debunked, the more people line up to
invest. Dennis Lee is another famous example. 

You can rest assured, that a real solution can be posted and
discussed ad nauseum, without fear of repercussion. That
said, this weeks maakies takes on the issue in a lighthearted way.



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