Mr. Rothwell remains argumentative to point away from
censorship at the LENR-CANR site, about which he protests too much.
The censorship has been noted by me, others,
and the late Dr. Eugene Mallove.
Here is yet another additional corroboration
taken from email written by our mutual late friend,
Dr. Eugene Mallove.  It is about
"Storms/Rothwell censorship" and Gene picked the title.
 In the missive. Dr. Mallove informed me about a
vortex post which I had missed, but which HE
thought important, and he wrote his thoughtful and
now-relevant comment below.
 I wished I had looked closer before this latest denial by the Rothwell.

========== EMAIL from Dr. Eugene Mallove=============
==== Subject: "Storms/Rothwell censorship" =============

User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004
Subject: Storms/Rothwell censorship
From: "Eugene F. Mallove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mitchell Swartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
FYI -- this was a message that Rothwell posted to Vortex about  a month ago:
"At we have censored out some of the controversial claims
related to CF, such as transmuting macroscopic amounts of gold, or
biological transmutations, along with some of the extremely unconventional
theories. This is not because we (Storms and Rothwell) oppose these claims,
or because we are upset by them. It is for political reasons only. The goal
of LENR-CANR is to convince mainstream scientists that CF is real. This
goal would be hampered by presenting such extreme views. Actually, I have
no opinion about most theories, and I could not care less how weird the
data may seem. At the Scientific American and the APS they feel hostility
toward such things. They have a sense that publishing such data will harm
their readers and sully the traditions and reputation of academic science.
I am not a member of the congregation at the Church of Academic Science,
and I could not care less about the Goddess Academia's Sacred Reputation. I
don't publish because of politics and limited web space.
- Jed"

This is known as science by politics -- it is disgusting.  Storms doesn't
have leg to stand on and he knows it.
 - Gene

=================  end of missive ===================

   And so, Gene was prophetic.
     I agree with Dr. Mallove's assessment,
and do wish that I had spoken to him about this more
(and so much else) when there was time, over a nice meal.
  When the web-moderators at LENR were "upset" about calibrations,
or noise measurement, or especially those darn calibrations that semiquantitatively
correct their  errors secondary to Bernard instability,  or anything else
as Jed posted,  ....   they censored them. 

   Actually, the offer stands exactly as before.
Jed has the papers on pdf, but does not like that he does not have
access to "cut and paste" for his not-quite-clear reasons.

   As before, any vort, student, or scientist want to bypass
the censored LENR-CANR site, who would like a copy of the
paper prepublication,

please send me a private email,
subject: Photoinduced Excess Heat

and I will send a copy of the manuscript thereafter by email.
  The paper itself runs about 2 Megabytes in a pdf file.
   Other papers on cold fusion science and engineering
not available elsewhere but published will shortly
be available at the COLD FUSION TIMES
web site
and the JET Thermal Products web site
The second website includes a page showing our public demonstration
of cold fusion, which was openly shown at MIT during the last week
of August 2003 at ICCF-10.  "

         Dr. Mitchell Swartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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