What are you trying to accomplish, Mitchell?  How is applying a pejorative word to the reason your papers are not on the site going to get your papers on the site?   You might argue that some work is being censored but your work is not being censored.  We will never agree as to why your previous attempts at sending copies did not work so your complaining just makes you look ridiculous and wastes time. All you need to do is send the papers you want in full text and be done with it.


Mitchell Swartz wrote:


At 10:45 AM 8/23/2004, Jed Rothwell admits to censoring, but then purports it is for
"political reasons", such as not to upset some of his "critics" (ROTFLOL)
 so he will not get hit with by "a baseball bat (given) to Robert Park".

 Rothwell:   "I will not hand a baseball bat to Robert Park and ask him to please hit me over the head with it! It is a shame that CF is so political, but it is, and we must pay attention to politics, image and public relations.
The claim that we are "censoring" is ridiculous."

  Given that Rothwell has brought this up again,
it is important to correct his flawed arguments.

  The claim of censorship was correct.
Also, Dr. Mallove was correct about the censorship.
Also, those who posted me after this began,
and those who discussed what happened to them
at ICCF-10 have been also correct.

There HAS been censoring at (the misnamed) LENR-CANR web site.
It his their choice.  However, removing cold fusion articles,
or any article, for "political" reasons, -- or for any reason whatsoever--
is by definition censoring.
This is quite consistent when compared to the definition,  after Webster:

"censor -  to subject to censorship;
   an official who reads communications and deletes forbidden material."


    Hence, Dr. Mallove, Mr. Webster, and the other were all correct, and
in fact it would not matters if the reason was the purest of motives.

However, in this case, as stated previously, given that it is admittedly
at least "political",

Subject: Storms/Rothwell censorship
"This is known as science by politics -- it is disgusting.  Storms doesn't
have leg to stand on and he knows it." -  - Gene

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