Frederick Sparber"writes,

> I agree with this, but to get the repulsive force up to 1.0 kilograms at
> the earth's surface you need about 1.30e30 "stacked electrons", based on
> their calculated anti-gravitaic "hypocharge" of 7.83e-41 coulombs.

Using comparative weights based on the Bohr atom and 1/1836 ratio of the mass/energies 
involved, it appears that one pound-equivalent of electrons (anti pound?) will lift 
about one pound of regular mass, mass o menos.

That doesn't explain how we handle all that "hidden" charge. Makes one realize that if 
one of those saucer-things really did crash to earth, there would be no debris, no 
little green men, no small crater,  etc. ... more like a Tunguska Event ... 

...nah... you don't really think....?

> Overripe natural grape juice from your area will do that.  :-)

Ha, yes but being both left-handed and mildly dyslexic, both of which are correlated 
to excess production of the brain chemical serotonin, I usually don't require much of 
nature's finest self-medicating elixirs, other than the sunrise overdose of cafe latte 


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