Holy smokies, just this morning I am now suddenly
getting a load of Vor-mail postings from up to almost
2 weeks ago, such as this one from Jones.  Somebody
must have finished their scrutiny of topics.  oy.


--- Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frederick Sparber writes,
> > then 9Fluorine19 + 6Carbon-12 ---> 15Phosphorus-31
> + ~22
> Mev keeps your innards in shape, too.   :-)
> Interesting point, Fred.
> Of course, [for those who didn't pick up on the
> "innards"
> connection] I assume that you are talking about the
> not-well-publicized Phosphorus anomaly which DuPont
> discovered in the manufacturing of Teflon <G>?
> Think I'll "stick" with stainless steel...
> Jones

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