Jed wrote:

> If anyone out there enjoys using these CAD/CAM drawing programs, please
> contact me by private e-mail. I would like to commission a drawing of a
> futuristic six-engined, wingless VTOL airplane, if you can imagine such a
> thing. A rough sketch would be fine. It does not have to be detailed and
> certainly does not have to be airworthy, even in theory, not that I could
> judge. I did a Google image search but I did not find anything appealing.
> I know nothing about CAD/CAM programs. I do not even know what "CAM"
> for. It is the part on the shaft that opens the valve.

It's Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided Manufactruing. The objective is
to remove the vast amounts of paperwork in the design and manufacturing of
any complex machine: airplane, automobile, dishwasher, etc. Current
technology can do the whole job in software, with 3-D checking for
inteference of parts, automatic production of solid models of arbitrary
shape (such as a chain of solid, independent links), and finally operation
of complex machining tools. Groups in various parts of the world can work on
the same machine. I think that a major aircraft manufacturer did a whole
design in CAD/CAM.

But why a six-engine VTOL when a four engine car-like VTOL craft already
exists? It has four ducted fans driven by Wankel engines at the corners and
redundant computers to achieve flight stability.

Mike Carrell

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