In response to Richard Macaulay's earlier contention that the earth was expanding:

"My view.. that the continents could not have drifted " apart" since the east and west side
of land masses " fit". The discussion reached a point of maturity with each "cutting the other
some slack" whereas he could grant me slack that the earth could have expanded .."
 I had written:
"I interpret this as a change in lightspeed:
E = mc^2 or m = E/c^2 suggesting that the lightspeed in the solar system at the time of Methuselah
was about 3.3  times it's present value , hence the mass of the earth was 1/10th of what it
is now, and was zipping around the sun ten times as fast as the present value. Conservation of mass and energy
is thus satisfied: Orbital Kinetic Energy = 1/2 mv^2, Rotational energy = 1/2 Iw^2 where I
is the moment of inertia of a rotating sphere 2/5 MR^2, w =2(pi)/t.
This would make old man Methuselah about 19 (of our years) when he fathered Lamech and 96+
when he went yonder.

 Note the decreasing ages of his progeny as the speed of light decreased."
This leaves the astonishing conclusion that Methuselah weighed about 10 kilograms and stood
about as tall as a small child!!
No wonder Noah's Ark could hold two of every animal species of the Earth at that time. 
With ~ 7.2 hour days (compared to our 24) Noah and "the boys" had their work cut out for them. :-)
 Aren't we getting taller and heavier, these days ??

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