Interesting point from M.C. :

> With all this talk about ethanol and hydrogen, let me take
note of the water
> bath calorimetry experiments of Mills which showed a heat
release from
> hydrogen 100 times greater than by combustion of the same
amount of
> hydrogen.

The only obvious drawback to the Mills process, assuming his
published results hold up under closer scrutiny is *energy
density* which is a term that we are not used to hearing
much about. As best I can tell, this lower energy density is
due to the requirement of needing a rather thin plasma,
which is irradiated with the RF but mildly so, and requiring
a great deal of spatial volume relative to the energy

One thought occurs here in the context of a nuclear reactor.
Reactors are just the opposite - having extremely high
energy density.

Can some of the best features of each technology be

Lets consider the Mills microwave Everson [sp] tube which
uses hydrogen and helium, irradiated at the common oven
frequency of 2.45 Ghz. It just so happens that those two
gases, mostly He with about 10% H2 are both easily
accommodated and usable within a reactor for several
purposes - either neutron moderation or heat removal and
especially conversion of heat into electricity, or for all
of these. But the best thing is... once a hydrino reaches a
certain level of shrinkage according to Mills, it will
become more and more neutron-like so that near the final
137th stage, we have in effect a virtual neutron. This
feature could allow hydrinos to become the "makeup"
virtual-neutrons in a subcritical reactor scheme.

This proto-hypothesis (fresh off the mental press,
consequently the details may change drastically, even within
the hour) is based upon combining the Mills hydrino reaction
within a subcritical fission reactor using only natural
unenriched uranium. We would need to have a high volume,
unpressurized reactor with many tubes, each tube composed of
unenriched uranium probably in the form of a dielectric
carbide, so that microwaves can be propagated down each

BTW the price of Uranium recently hit rock bottom with new
supplies from Asia. Its cheaper than many common metals like
nickel and some stainless steels now so the cost of
refueling is almost nothing compared to the energy released.
Since the reactor is only nominally subcritical, with a high
multiplication ratio, it would still need plenty of control
equipment, but probably not all the costly containment of
the normal situation.

Side note: Granite has a fairly high U content and granite
buildings, like the Capitol in D.C. have so much granite
that the U content is almost enough to be usable in the type
of reactor this idea refers to. Also... I would argue that
the contents of that building are often more toxic than
those of the reactor which is being described here.

Every tube in this reactor will have its own microtron for
RF, but that parasitic drain is small, and as it is the
common variety used in ovens, they are almost disposable
items. The He+H2 mix will be irradiated within a starting
tube and recirculated through every tube, never leaving the
reactor. External to each fuel tube will be collection grids
to collect thermionic electrons, which represents the power
output (by direct conversion, of course - no steam cycle).
After enough hydrinos are created in situ, the neutron flux
will rise enough to heat the tubes to thermionic temps.
Reactivity is controlled by how much hydrogen is admitted
using computer control. The neutron flux could be a factor
of 10-50 less than in a conventional reactor, but with a
much larger volume space and no conductive heat removal, the
tubes will reach several thousand degrees for efficient
thermionic conversion.

Needless to say, there are a few other details which need to
be worked out...

Stay  tuned.


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