At 3:41 PM 10/20/4, Jones Beene wrote:
Now the transformer is smaller than a pack of Luckys (and costs less too)
and makes less heat. This is the simple reason 60 cycle power is an
anachronism, but what are the limits of going far higher in frequency?
>Ironically, it is no iron...

One of the reasons 60 Hz was chosen over higher frequencies is the
prevention of transmission line losses.  One main problem with using high
freqency transformers in power supplies until fairly recently was
rectification.  Diodes drop in efficiency with frequency.  These days the
availability of high current low voltage FETs (with switching logic to
achieve the rectification) permits efficient rectification, but even FETs
still have frequency limitations, just much higher AFAIK.


Horace Heffner          

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