A week or two back I happened to pick up on a segment
of discussion on Vortex that included the idea of long
thin coils wound in helices wound in further orders of
helicity. (sheesh is that a word?)  It's taken me this
long to yell back, but I did want to mention that
after about 5 years of working on other assorted
projects, Dr. Sam Faile has gotten back into building
"topologically challenging" coils from both wire and
dielectric materials.  Some of you who kept track of
Sam's more esoteric work over the years know of what I

Quite a bit of the massive collection of knotted,
sequenced, recursive, woven, and "ancient geometry"
coils was lost in the June fire at Sam's former
apartment, but he salvaged some, and luckily quite a
few of his winding notes dried out from water damage. 
Enough to begin again.

For those not aware of it, one of Sam's primary
projects going back to the late 80s was based on a
simple thought:  could coils built with extreme
topology and embodying the right mathematics produce
anomalous effects when energized? (By virtue of any
number of hypotheses)  He started out with simple
stuff, like Caduceus coils and knots, then built
extended arrays with geometry that frankly I found
confusing as hell.  Quite a few of these I ran simple
tests on back in the early 1990s, by passing AC, DC,
or RF through.  Looked for things like unusual
heating, voltage rises, weight changes, and the more
subjective as well - such as bio and psychointeractive

Some were really cool micro-inductive VHF and UHF
pickups.  Others did seem like they got extra hot with
RF pumped through them.  Milligram level weight
changes may have occured but were inconclusive and
speculative.  I would swear that a couple of the
designs made me barfingly sick when I put current
through them and I was seated nearby.  Thats totally
my own subjective reality talking there.

What Sam has been doing recently has been looking for
biological effects on house plant bamboo from a couple
of very large extended Caduceus arrays that embody the
coil of a coil of a coil concept.  I think he has
either 4 or 5 levels of helicity.

If any of you have a flavor for this sort of mad
topological fun and are interested in getting
specifics from Sam, he would love to hear from you. 
As always, he relies on telephone or written mail, and
you can get both from the front page of the website:


One little paper that is on the same website that
shows some of the smaller of Sam's 10,000 coils is:


If anyone does come across bamboo plants materializing
in their parlor, then you can figure they just arrived
via the 10th dimension from Cincinnati...


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