NEW ENERGY TIMES TM Newsletter, Nov. 16, 2004 -- Issue #7
Your best source for cold fusion news and information.

Copyright 2004 New Energy Times (tm)

Table of Contents:
New Book on Cold Fusion Available Now
U.S. Department of Energy 2004 Cold Fusion Review
11th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Marseilles, France
Cold Fusion in the News
Speakers Available - Experts on the Subject of Cold Fusion
Recent Updates to the New Energy Times (tm) Web site
Request for Support

New Book on Cold Fusion Available Now
The Rebirth of Cold Fusion: Real Science, Real Hope, Real Energy
by Steven B. Krivit and Nadine Winocur, Psy.D., Foreword by Sir Arthur C. Clarke

The Rebirth of Cold Fusion informs the general public about the science and significance of this new field of energy research. The original promise of cold fusion - nuclear energy in a tabletop device without harmful radiation - has gained increasing credibility with scientists around the world who have now replicated it hundreds of times through a variety of methods. Through investigative reports and firsthand interviews with cold fusion researchers and critics, this book vividly portrays how the social and political environment failed to support scientific objectivity and resulted in the premature rejection of what may, in fact, turn out to be the planet's greatest hope for survival.

U.S. Department of Energy 2004 Cold Fusion Review
Researchers and science journalists from around the world continue to wait for a conclusion from the 2004 Department of Energy Cold Fusion Review. On Oct. 29, Dr. James Decker, Deputy Directory of the DOE'S Office of Science wrote, "We have the reports of 18 reviewers which I received last Wednesday before going on travel.  Some of those reports were received later than anticipated. We are carefully sorting through the reviewers' comments.  Some time ago, we had a media inquiry that we answered by saying we would release something by the end of the year.  I was optimistic in thinking we could get something out this month.  I assure you I am working to achieve a release as soon as possible."  Decker had also indicated that his current hope for release of a conclusion was during the month of November, but that his priority was to insure that DOE's conclusion was an accurate and fair representation of the various reviewers, rather than to rush to achieve a specific deadline.

An interesting twist to the anticipated completion of  this review is the Nov. 15, 2004 announcement of the resignation of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. According to Reuters, Abraham will stay on until a successor is in place. It was Abraham who took the initiative to receive the interest from the cold fusion community and subsequently task the Office of Science to look into the current status of cold fusion. It has been expected that any announcement from DOE regarding the review would originate from Abraham's office after receiving input from Decker's Office.

New Energy Times (tm) is pleased to present a new web page dedicated to the publicly-known information about the 2004 U.S. Department of Energy Cold Fusion Review, as well as the original 1989 review.  The page includes an audio recording, notes from a slide presentation, 8 full-text papers, and excerpts from The Rebirth of Cold Fusion. The slide presentation includes, among other details, the names of 11 of the 18 reviewers of this years' review. The other reviewers' names remain secret.

11th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
(ICCF-11), Marseilles-Luminy, France
Continuing the 15-year tradition which has sustained the body of accumulated knowledge in the field of cold fusion and low energy nuclear reactions, the ICCF-11 conference took place on Oct. 31 through Nov. 5, 2004. The conference was hosted by Jean Paul Biberian, a professor at the University of Marseilles-Luminy, France, and Vittorio Violante a researcher at ENEA Frascati, Italy. Brian Josephson, 1973 Nobel Prize winner in physics, also gave a talk on "Good and Bad Ways of Doing Science." The conference was held in Marseilles, France.
ICCF is the largest scientific conference in the world devoted exclusively to cold fusion/condensed matter nuclear science. The conference is held once every 12 to 14 months, and rotates between North America, the European continent, and Asia.  Scientists from 21 nations and 5 continents attended ICCF-11. Detailed reports of the conference will be presented in subsequent newsletters. Abstracts are now on-line. Thank you for your patience.

Cold Fusion in the News
IEEE  Spectrum:  Cold Fusion Back From the Dead, by Justin Mullins
"Later this month, the U.S. Department of Energy will receive a report from a panel of experts on the prospects for cold fusion the supposed generation of thermonuclear energy using tabletop apparatus. It's an extraordinary reversal of fortune: more than a few heads turned earlier this year when James Decker, the deputy director of the DOE's Office of Science, announced that he was initiating the review of cold fusion science. Back in November 1989, it had been the department's own investigation that determined the evidence behind cold fusion was unconvincing. Clearly, something important has changed to grab the department's attention now."  [Note: "thermonuclear" is misleading, and should simply read "nuclear."]

Nashua Telegraph: Science With Attitude, by Dave Brooks
(In this article,  Mr. Brooks discusses the future of the New Energy Foundation and Infinite Energy magazine, which were founded by the recently deceased cold fusion advocate, Eugene Mallove.)
Bill Zebuhr, president of Nashua-based Ovation Products, was a friend of Mallove and chairman of the board of directors of the New Energy Foundation, a nonprofit that Mallove founded. The future of that foundation and Infinite Energy magazine are up in the air. "The plan is to keep everything going, best we can. We'll change, but we'll do what we can, Zebuhr said. He admitted, though, that one of the Granite States more unusual institutions is in for hard times. "Gene was unique. You can't replace him," Zebuhr said.
Telopolis: The return of Cold Fusion?, by Haiko Lietz
After 15 years of uncertainty, Cold Fusion is possibly close to its breakthrough. Many dozens of researchers from all over the world claim to have measured the fusion of nuclei at room temperature. A review of the accumulated evidence by the US Department of Energy is about to be finished. Researchers, who have steadily worked on the subject, wish for recognition that low energy nuclear reactions represent a legitimate scientific field of inquiry.

Speakers Available - Experts on the Subject of Cold Fusion
Steven B. Krivit - General audiences (Founder of New Energy Times and co-author of The Rebirth of Cold Fusion)
Charles G. Beaudette - Academic audiences (Author of Excess Heat and Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed, 2nd Ed.)
David J. Nagel - Government and Military audiences (Key participant in the 2004 DOE Cold Fusion Review)
* Please send requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recent Updates to the New Energy Times (tm) Website
"Pathological Disbelief:" Lecture by Brian Josephson, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge
Lecture given at the Nobel Laureatesmeeting Lindau, June 30th., 2004

The 2004 U.S. Department of Energy Cold Fusion Review

Request for Support
The New Energy Times(tm) mission is to make the world a better and healthier place for all beings and future generations, by providing educational and informative news and knowledge about related research and development in novel, benign energy research and technology. The current focus is on the subject of cold fusion. New Energy Times(tm) collects its data directly from researchers and from original scientific papers. We are currently seeking to continue and expand our efforts and outreach. We welcome suggestions for the names and contact information for grant-giving agencies that may be aligned with our mission and be interested in supporting our mission.

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