Terry said:

>Are youse guys kiddin'?  This is nothing short of phenomenal. 

I agree.  In scientist speak, this is a recognition that there is, in fact, 
something, rather than nothing.

The slogging ahead will be difficult, but, properly quoted, this NEW report 
does provide the needed respectability to get some at least to begin taking CF 
work seriously.

We're about halfway along to Clarke's third position on the way to acceptance 
of a new idea.  "I knew it all along."

Terry is right--there will not be an admission of wrong doing.  They will cite 
the original luke-warm "there might be something there" conclusion of the 
original ERAB report as evidence of their innate fairness from the outset, and 
conveniently forget absolutely all the shit they poured on everyone trying to 
do serious work since 1989.

And so it goes.  Jed is right in that this is nothing to start doing jumping 
jacks over--not if you were hoping for coffers of $$$ to open up--but it is a 
step or two in the right direction, rather than a step backward.

Jeffery D. Kooistra 


Terry also wrote 

>Even the SEPTICS!!  

This is one of the most accurate typos I've seen in ages!


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