The most amazing "starting point" about this paper to me,
and maybe it is the ending point for Iwarmura since he
emphasizes it so often but refuses the temptation to go
further (even at ground "Zero" it's called job-security)...
is the nuclear transmutations of Ba into Sm.... but some of
us (who have less job security to worry about) can go much
further out on a limb.

"When mass-137-enriched Ba (monoisotopic Ba) was applied,
the mass distribution of Sm that we obtained depended on the
starting isotopic distribution of Ba."

... and the unsaid thread of this work... and the
"potential" generalization which appears here and elsewhere
is perhaps not simply an anomalous "transmutation" but that
these high Z transmutations occur at ridiculously low energy
and not simply as a small step-wise change, such as a beta
decay for instance.  Instead we have a MASSIVE and apparent
one-step change of 12 nucleons !!!... (excuse the
typo-hyperbole, but can we emphasize the importance of this
finding enough?)

IOW *carbon* again appears... like the "smile of the
Cheshire cat"... peering through from another dimension.

And, going even further, perhaps the
waiting-to-be-discovered 'sine qua non' of this work and
others similar to it... is not just the recurrence of the
"carbon unit" but instead it is the more generic *triad
accumulation of operative units*.

Which is to say that the operative methodology is not just
adding deuterons, or adding carbon but... just as with
quarks (at the next lower scale), the nucleons here are
following suit, becoming a step-up in the mirrored
self-symmetry of quantum reality.

ERGO it is the "triad of operative units" which could be the
ultimate secret to high Z transmutaion, not to mention other
peculiarities of LENR.


BTW is there a Kanji equivalent to "we've gotta protect our
phoney-baloney jobs" and wouldn't Mel Brooks be a hoot
running the Zero lab with Cleavon Little in charge of the

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