Solar Eclipse, Neutrinos, & How To Prevent Earth Changes

Konstantine Meyl in his book Scalar Waves points out the exact dates of Solar Eclipses in history, and how the solar eclipse focuses the neutrino radiation at specific points on the Earth to move the tectonic plates to potentially cause Earth quakes, floods, and tilting of the axis of Earth, that have been predicted by Nostrodumus's calculations but not foreseen to have occurred around 11/13/2012, so that they may not occur if prevented by technological means which I shall post below.   

The US government has already developed satellites as posted at the vortex web site which can capture solar energy and create a beam force field from the solar energy, so that we should be able to use a series of satellites to create a tesla neutrino force field to filter, or deflect the neutrino radiation at the exact know points where the solar neutrino energy is focused by the moon during a solar eclipse so that it does not create floods, earth quakes, or a tilting of the Earth's axis.

It seems to me the reason that the Mayan calendar ended around 2012, is because the Mayans or the South American's lose their present control of the US government around 2012 due to civil wars in the US, etc., so that they cannot see into the future by means of time travel and information passed to them back in time by means of their present control of the US government.  We also have the Israeli's, and other groups which work with Asia, and South America who also live in underground caves, and think themselves safe during solar eclipses, to secretly control the US government to use its resources such as satellites, against the USA citizens, but a civil war in the USA may prevent this and prevent biblical apocalyptic events from occurring by using the US governments technologies to prevent biblical apocalypses rather than encourage them.

It seems to me that the US government has already created a force field system around the Earth by means of satellites, which already filters out helpful neutrino radiation that can make life on the surface of the Earth much more positive and extend life, since presently the US government is controlled by underworld forces that live in caves from South America, which want to repress and genocide societies on the surface of the Earth.  If no revolution or civil war occurs to restore the US government back in control by the USA surface societies, then the South American, Middle Eastern, and Asian underworld's control of the US government may allow the focused neutrino radiation to cause floods and earthquakes around 2012 and until then the underworld uses the solar satellites to harass and repress USA citizens with beam weapons as well as reduce the helpful neutrinos that extend life spans and prevent old age.  

Konstantine Meyl also mentions that a hundred years ago the intensity of the neutrino Radiation was greater to allow longer and healthier life, to allow crystals to glow, and to allow Keely's technologies to work.  It may be that the US government went back in time starting around 1994, to place satellites around the Earth starting around the 1900's to place a force field around the Earth to then filter out neutrinos, to reduce neutrino radiation levels, to shorten life spans, reduce the quality of life, and for other reasons, since the US government has been controlled by groups living in underground caves, which are at war with the surface societies, and which use the US governments resources against the surface societies on Earth presently.

"20.10 Interaction of the neutrinos with Earth's core by  Konstantine Meyl, Scalar Waves, Pg 431-432, 2003, Indel

A strong neutrino field still doesn't make a catastrophe.  Only  in connection with one of the regularly happening eclipses of the sun should one be expected under certain  circumstances.  Only, which eclipses of the sun can get dangerous, we have to ask us, and why warns e.g. Nostradamus only for very particular dates?

The check of the respective eclipses of the sun results in a critical  constellation every time for the cases, where the line of the complete shadow and the circle of the projection of Earth's core intersect under a very flat angle and both points of intersection lie very close together.  In the extreme case finally the lines only are touching and the points of intersection fuse to a line of intersection.
A corresponding constellation the next time is expected at 11/13/2012.  For 7/7/3797, at similar conditions Nostradamus foretells the end of the world; but why?

From the interaction of the neutrinos arises as from every other interaction a force effect.  If the points of intersection lie far apart, then earth's core is pulled once to the East and a short time later again to the West by the focussed neutrino radiation.  On the average this will hardly influence earth's mantle and earth's crust because of the immense moment of inertia.  The possible earthquakes will remain regionally restricted to the area around the two points of intersection.

But if a line of intersection forms, then no compensation of the force effects take place anymore, then during the whole time one-sided is pulled at earth's core and that can have fatal results.  It is the same as for a spinning top, which is given a blow from the side: it staggers several times, until the gyroscopic forces have stabilized it again.

But if the earth's axis staggers, then the sun describes strange orbits in the sky, it goes backwards again, for a longer time doesn't set or it doesn't show for the same period of time for the people living on the other side of the globe.
Such an event already is described in the Bible.  For the twenty hours, in which in Europe the sun didn't set for a day, again describe the chroniclers of the inhabitants in the South American Andes, how at their place the sun didn't show for twenty hours.


20.11 Changing of polarity and apocalypse

The pulling at earth's core, which shows as a wobbling of the magnetic axis and in damped form can lead to a tilting of the axis of rotation of the earth, still doesn't make an apocalypse, no end of the world. ...."

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