In a message dated 12/13/04 6:27:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Old tale from Texas about a Yankee came thru town,

As of 1996, close to 40 percent of Texas companies were owned by foreigners from Asia and South America.  Most of Texas is super secretly controlled by the Asian-Russian Communist-Fascist Mafia and the United Kingdom.   Neither Texas nor the Yankees represent USA American Values or America, and Texas does not represent the South.  Texas is an oil state run by Middle Eastern and foreign oil companies which encourages the antiquated industrial complex savage bully politics, which due to a basic law of energy and nature cannot last much longer. The central states of the USA can utilize new alternative energy technologies such as wind and corn ethanol better than anyone else, to become the new American power, to be independent and to replace both the foreign controlled Texas oil Mafia, and the New York Yankees.  Asia not having much space and being much older does not have room or time to modernize to skip the industrial age and use new energy technologies, and will be dependent on oil far longer than the USA and Europe, which will be Asia's downfall and great weakness.  In the new age, the smaller you are and the more you decentralize in terms of government and energy, the meaner, faster, and more powerful you become, since this follows the basic law of energy and nature.

The real south of the civil war is Central USA and not southern.  The real USA Americans are central USA.  Both the Yankees from the East coast, the West Coast, and the Southern Texas and Florida states are controlled by Bush who reports to and follows the orders of Her Majesty the Queen of the UK, who in turn reports to European Nobility, who reports to the Middle East, who reports to Asia, who are all working together secretly to destroy USA America and American values.  

The one great weakness and eventual down fall of Asia, the Middle East, the UK, the  Southern states pretending to be American, and the Yankees, and all the rest of the global communistic-fascist elite leaders, follows a basic energy law of nature, which is that nature decentralizes energy and power to economize; and the global one world Orwellian NWO government is to centralized, expensive and wasteful to set up and maintain, and contradicts the laws of nature which are decentralizing locally since it is much more inexpensive.   The projections of history predict that the future will be run by 10 world regions and powers after the collapse and downfall of the Orwellian 1984 US/UK/Middle Eastern/Asian/Third World Present One World Government.

Baron Von Volsung,\baron, Email:\emailform.html
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