From: "Nick Palmer"

>  one example
> that has always bothered me, to whit the process of
> metamorphosis. Inside the chrysalis, the body of the
caterpillar breaks down
> almost completely and reforms into something very
different and, on the face
> of it, more complex. I could never see that this process
could evolve in
> small steps that were evolutionarily advantageous at each

I hope that someone will provide a good answer for that
one... I certainly don't have it now, but will check my
collection of Richard Dawkins material later-on.... in the
mean time, it does bring to mind one very fascinating

Researchers have been pursuing almost every conceivable
pathway and dead-end alley in what can be called the
non-stop pursuit for human *life extension.* I suspect that
if one totaled up the research commitment (often much of it
hidden in other studies) it would run into the billions.

Imagine this, Movie lovers... As, if nothing else, it would
make a good Sci-Fi plot.

The butterfly genome is probably easy to decode, compared
with that of a mammal. There are probably only a few dozen
genes responsible for metamorphosis - certainly less than
100. Imagine isolating the ones which are responsible for
breaking down and reassembling 'only' the body, keeping the
brain intact. You would need to dream up some gimmick for
that part.

We would first try the technology on favorite pets, of
course. This is similar to what is happening with cloning -
only now you get the exact same animal, no need to
house-break the new/old "Spot" once again... this a vast
improvement over just a similarly shaped copy that cloning
gives. We know that there is a waiting list of several
thousand folks who have already frozen the DNA of their pet
in anticipation- even "Trigger" is waiting to be revived. It
is too late for them to get the benefit of this new
"cloning-plus". Yet they will fork over $20-50,000 for
normal cloning, so we could ask $100k a pop  for
"metamophasizing"... yes... this could be big business.

Of course the next part of the story/screenplay... and the
set-up for whatever drama one wishes to add to the human
part, is obvious... only please don't cast Jeff Goldblum as
butterfly-boy. Twenty-some years later, I still cannot see
him in another movie without thinking of the Fly.... yup he
was just a Jurassic fly when I was cheering for the dinosaur
to eat Laura Dern. OTOH, David Cronenberg should direct
it... no doubt about that!


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