OK, here are the numbers I ran on fusion in a collapsing spherical compression wave.
Pressure, being simply force applied divided by area of application increases by 1/r^2 as the wave collapses.
The ratio of specific heats can be used to determine the ratio of heating to compression of an ideal gas when pressure is increased.
For a monatomic gas (like hydrogen above 3200K) gamma is 1.6667
The formulas using this are
T1, V1, p1 = starting temperature, volume, and pressure.
Fusion of hydrogen requires 10KeV or 1.602*10^-15J
average KE in an ideal gas = 3/2 kT
Temperature for a required energy = 2J/3k
Temperature of fusion = 80 MK
a 1m diameter spherical chamber at 1 atm with a compression amplitude of 10 atm
starting at 576 degrees K would achieve the 80 MK fusion temperature at a radius of 2.5*10^-6m
Density at that point would be 3 Mg/cc, and the total volume of fusion would contain approx. 1.5g
I'm asking for some feedback here, as I develop ideas best when trying to explain them.
Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist
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