Dr. Swartz, if you have a problem with what Jed or I have done with your papers, take it up with us personally. Do not waste the time of everyone on Vortex. They can not solve your problem. God knows, Jed has tried and failed.

Ed Storms

Mitchell Swartz wrote:

At 09:52 AM 1/26/2005, Jed Rothwell, as usual, confuses the subject and is disingenuous, wrote:

Mitchell Swartz wrote:

Second, some of the very papers which contain controls and time-integration are not present
at the censored (and misnamed) LENR-CANR.org site.

Well, in that case, whoever wrote these very papers should upload them somewhere else -- or submit them to LENR-CANR.org. The site is not censored, and the Internet *cannot be censored*. Google makes it "flat" with all papers equally accessible.

Nonsense. Rothwell is not accurate, and his use of confidential email
and a non-relevant paper from ICCF-9 which was NEVER an issue are immaterial.

Rothwell's banter does not change the fact that he and
Ed Storm's removed the titles of our three papers (and reportedly others) from the ICCF10
"list of papers" at the censored (and misnamed) LENR-CANR site.

[Background: FWIW, our two papers which used the controls and time-integration demanded by the DOE
group and have been censored by Storms/Rothwell are
Swartz. M., G. Verner, "Excess Heat from Low Electrical Conductivity
Heavy Water Spiral-Wound Pd/D2O/Pt and Pd/D2O-PdCl2/Pt Devices",
ICCF-10 (Camb. MA), Proceedings of ICCF-10, (2003),
and Swartz. M., "Photoinduced Excess Heat from Laser-Irradiated Electrically-Polarized
Palladium Cathodes in D2O", ICCF-10 (Camb. MA), Proceedings of ICCF-10, (2003).

Interesting that both papers listed originally for ICCF10, and assigned Monday and Tuesday
for the dates. They were thereafter deleted from the censored LENR/CANR website.]

Because these titles WERE originally on the list, and because those who
actually conducted ICCF-10 have written that they are disappointed
by the Storms/Rothwell mischief, it is apparent that the censorship
of the misnamed LENR-CANR site exists.

BTW, this Rothwell/Storms censorship has been confirmed in conversations by
them to others, and it has been discussed by the late Dr. Mallove, just as it
has been of concern to others who responded to me by private email
after a previous net-discussion of the Rothwell-Storms censorships.

"This is known as science by politics -- it is disgusting.  Storms doesn't
have leg to stand on and he knows it."  - the late Dr. Eugene Mallove

In summary, those who rely only on Rothwell for "information" eventually will,
or have, become aware that many of his posts should have a warning label with them.

Dr. Mitchell Swartz

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