Steven Krivit wrote:

I think this a follow-up thread to that of Bill Moyers discussing the relationship between environment, religion and our government.

I'll add my $0.01 (devalued dollar, you know.) 
-This- high-tech worker has been significantly replaced by inexpensive labor in India, too.
Do not forget to mention that this 'inespensive labor' in India is just as 'high tech' as the workers displaced here. India has a large population of highly educated, intelligent, sophisticated workers as able to do tech support and programming as US workers are. The living costs and expectations there are currently lower than in the US, so acceptable salaries are also lower. When I call Microsoft of HP tech support, I have talked to people in India, but also Toronto, Nova Scotia and Ireland, depending on the time of day. Tech support is always pot luck, sometimes very good and other times not what I need.
What is at hand here is plain competition, someone able to the job cheaper than you want to get paid. it is the reason the fabric mills moved out of New England to the US Southeast, and then to the orient. Electronic transmission of knowledge has become very cheap.
Conditions change, and outsourcing and become insourcing as domestic manufacturing processes get more efficient, but that does not mean the old workforce will be hired back.
Mike Carrell

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