
Whilst a collision is a possibility, a collision of such an exactitude is,
in my humblest opinion, of infinitesimal likelihood.

If the following suggestion is old hat, I beg your forgiveness and plead
technical problems and diminishing lucidity:

Should the said body have a  thin hard crust covering deep softer material
it could be that at some point gravity has induced enough stress for half
the surface
to collapse slightly inward,  the effect being similar to badly fitting the
two halves of
a child's tin globe together -  one half sliding inside the other, producing
a shape that is
close to a sphere in some areas and Iapetusesque elsewhere.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Horace Heffner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: anomalies on Iapidus

> Fairly nconsequential correction follows:
> The collision velocity of the two initial impactors will be
>    V = (2 G M/(R))^0.5
>    V = (2 G (4.7x10^20 kg)/(730 km))^0.5
>    V = 293 m/s
> So the energy E converted to heat is:
>    E = 2 * .5 m*V^2 = (4.7x10^20 kg)(293 m/s)^2 = 4x10^25 J
> Thus the heat per gram H is:
>    H = E/(2*m) = (4x10^25 J)/(4.7x10^20 kg) = 43 J/g    <==== note
>    H = 10 cal/g
> which is not a lot of heat to dissipate, so this could simply result in
> increased temperature, or as you noted, be dissipated by ice.  Even 4
> that number will not produce much incremental temperature.  If it has the
> heat capacity of water that is only about 40 deg. C., not enough to boil
> water starting from 0 deg. C ice.
> Iapetus is so small one has to wonder how enough energy is developed to
> smush two bodies together to make it one spherical body.  Looks like the
> three body theory is not even necessary, unless I have a computation
> Iapetus is not very dense, or very big.
> See:
>   <>
> At 11:23 AM 2/19/5, revtec wrote:
> >293 m/s is 649 mph!  The heat of collision would be intense and localized
> >for planetary sized bodies.  The 8.6 J/g, if correct, is not evenly
> >distributed.  In the area of contact, billions of tons of material would
> >heated to incandesence.
> >
> >Jeff
> Well, you shoot a bullet at that speed and it will not warm up itself or
> the target much due to the collision.  It has lots of momentum and
> destructive power well focused, but not much heat.  What you say about the
> heat being concetrated at the surface is certainly true, and that can
> account for the ridge, but the bulk of the masses should remain solid.
> Very strange.
> Regards,
> Horace Heffner

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