thomas malloy wrote:
thomas malloy wrote:

Ed Storms responded'

I've been reading about the Yuri Popatov's Yusmar machine, which AFAIK, produces LENR's in an aquas solution by means of a vortex. Heat is a big item with Russians, and electricity costs something there too. The fact that he has lots of orders for the machines, should tell you something.

The Yusmar machine has been tested several times, once at LANL under the direction of Popatov, and none of the tests showed excess energy. However, as a method to convert electric energy to heat energy, it is very practical because it is simple and does not require maintenance. Russian water is frequently impure so that using a resistor for conversion results in build up of deposit that requires removal. This is the major reason the method is popular in Russia.


Do you recall what the thermal efficiency that LANL observed was?

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