
You want press attention?

I'll give you press attention.

Start a research program to develop a CF bomb with the
avowed intention of saving America by getting there
before the terrorists do. You will get all the press
attention you can handle - and then some. Probably
get quite a lot of financial support from crazy gun
lobby billionaires too, I shouldn't wonder.

Charles called the "incident" a meltdown. I'm not quite sure why he labeled it as such. I interviewed Ashley as well, and also read Taubes' interview of Ashley. They all match. I talked with Martin about this in as much detail as he was willing and able to remember. There was particulate in the air in the morning - but nothing was burning. The hole in the concrete floor was 30cm wide by 10cm deep. Somebody want to tell me that the concrete *melted*? I don't think so.


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