Jed wrote:
Yes, I do -- for a good reason. The short segment they broadcast with Ira Flatow was quite fair and accurate. Flatow has often communicated with us that he knows what the story is. He was a little timid, but accurate. I am hoping the other reporters on NPR contact him and discuss the matter. Since he is their science reporter it is likely they will.

Jed - If mainstream news media did their job, there would be no need for Infinite Energy or New Energy Times. If mainstream science publishing did their job, there would be no need for

But these entities cater to the dominant, safe public view. They lack either/both the courage or the foresight to explore the unknown.

Another viewpoint:

Henry Bauer touches on the very heart of why mainstream science journalism has been largely unwilling/unable to bridge the communication gap between the cold fusion community and the broader science community. "A constant dilemma for reporters," Bauer says, "is that they need access to sources, and if they publish material that casts doubt on the official view, they risk losing access to official sources."

Journal of Scientific Exploration, "Science in the 21st Century: Knowledge
Monopolies and Research Cartels," by Henry H. Bauer (Vol. 18 #4 pp. 643--660, Winter 2004)
Courtesy of


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