At 4:37 PM 3/7/5, Jed Rothwell wrote:

>The only danger is that the potential for harm and terrorism does *not*
>circulate, and people in free countries remain ignorant of what might
>happen. If people everywhere realize how CF might be used to make terror
>weapons, then we can develop it first and make CF powered devices (plus
>conventionally powered ones) to counter the threat and intercept the terror
>weapons. If the U.S. decision makers go on thinking that CF does not exist,
>while well-financed terrorist researchers discover ways to make CF work,
>THEN we will be in huge trouble.

I feel fairly certain a countermeasures approach is ultimately not
feasible.  I suspect you have not thought far enough ahead. The only
feasible long term approach to advanced technology in terrorist hands
probably is:

(a) Establish world government

(b) Disarm everyone

(c) Permit access to technology development information, tools and
materials only under license and regular inspections.

Items (a) and (b) probably will require a world war.

I see no need to hurry all this along.


Horace Heffner          

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