Hi Thomas,

I hope you don't find this too forward of me to ask but I could use a clarification as to what your religious preferences are. It is my understanding that you are of the Evangelical persuasion. Pardon my ignorance but what remains unclear to me is whether this means you are Christian, Jewish, or perhaps something else.

Not at all, we call our religion Messianic Judaism. We keep Sabbath and the Levitical Festivals and do our best to be Torah Observant.

From: thomas malloy

 Allah = dictatorships?

 Islam means submission, does that answer your question?

> That's why Allah isn't god?

" A comparison of the two systems that resulted from them
> makes that obvious.
Consider the possibility that there are many of the Islamic faith that are as tolerant of others as are many of the Christian and Jewish faith. Consider the possibility that in certain portions of the globe Islam has been hijacked by bigots in order to justify their hatred of outsiders for which they don't understand, and as such, fear. Consider the possibility that the efforts of these bigots who hide under the banner of Islam have twisted the meaning of this religion into convenient interpretations in order to justify their hatred of outsiders - and as a way to sanction acts of violence against outsiders. It is not all that different than what goes on at a good old fashion god-fearing Christian KKK rally.

If you ignore the Hebraic roots of Christianity you can twist the Bible into a pretzel and be able to justify the beliefs of groups like the KKK. I'm not responsible for their beliefs and actions. I visited the website of a pastor who claimed to be a Christian, but who hated those ---- Jews. I asked him if he had heard that Jesus and 11 of the 12 apostles were Jews, number 12 being a prostalite, a gentile convert to Judaism? I've yet to receive a reply. Most Jew haters are pagan, some just don't like to admit it. The worst person that you can lie to is yourself. BTW, the man who founded the KKK, was Albert Pike, a famous Free Mason, and Satanist.

With respect to Islam. the webmaster of www.prophetofdoom.net , Craig Winn, and I are of the opinion that the Wahabis and other fundamentalist Islamists have the correct interpretation of the Qu'ran. I highly recommend Mr. Winn's book as a truthful look at the true nature of Islam.

Mr. Sagan kept many areas of his private life secret from public scrutiny during his life. For example, he used marijuana extensively. I believe Carl supported the notion to get the substance liberalized, particularly as a way to help alleviate the suffering he experienced from bone cancer. But I digress here.

I throughly enjoyed marijuana, but I came up with some really stupid ideas when stoned. If your scenario is correct, and Carl ignored the religious teachings of the hospice workers who ministered to him in his final days and died without accepting Yeshua as Lord and Savior, then he had even more stupid ideas than I did.

I am a great believer in herbal medicine, and find the efforts of the American government to suppress it reprehensible. This week on C to C AM, there were numerous people whose symptoms have been relieved or ameliorated by the use of marijuana. The primary beneficiaries of this is the pharmaceutical industry, given what the Greek root of that name means, it adds credence to the Satanic Conspiracy Paradigm.

It is best to let Mr. Sagan speak for himself such as on the top of THEISM and ATHEISM:

questioning, courageous and open mind seems to be the essential tool for narrowing the range of our collective ignorance on the subject of the existence of God."

-"The Amniotic Universe," Broca's Brain, p. 311."

Hopefully, Mr. Sagan has answers to some of the questions he raised.


> has been reconvened after 1900 and some years. One of my rabbi's
 talks about this issue can be purchased at www.hatikva.org .

And what happens after the temple is rebuilt?

The sacrificial system is reinstituted. This will be stopped during the midpoint of the tribulation by the man commonly known as the Anti Christ. The existence of the Temple is necessary for there to be a Holy of Holies, in which he will sit down (only a king can do that), and declare himself to be god.

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