Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Entertaining idea, but a typical sticker doesn't weigh an ounce.  More like a gram, which would cut that million pounds down to about 30,000 pounds.

Only a gram? 10 sheets of 8 x 11.5" paper weigh 46 grams. A 3 page letter in an envelope weighs an ounce. I have not weighed a sticker, but aren't they magnetic? The stick on magnet business cards I have seen are pretty heavy. I do not have one handy . . .

On the other hand, if you throw in the energy cost to manufacture all the American flags being flown at gas stations ever since the beginning of the war, the numbers start to look pretty impressive, I think.

I'll bet the biggest "energy flag cost" is the cost of all those flags on cars flapping in the wind. Fortunately, they have mostly frayed and you do not see them often anymore.

- Jed

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