At 6:43 AM 3/26/5, Terry Blanton wrote:

>Lucifer is not Satan.  There is but one reference to
>Lucifer in the bible.  Do you know it and to what it refers?

Perhaps you refer to Is 14:12: "How you have fallen from heaven, O morning
star, son of the Dawn!  You have been cast down to earth, you who once laid
low the nations!"

Is 14:12 is also translated as: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
son of the Dawn!  How you are cut down to the ground - mighty though you
once were against the nations of the world."

This is a metaphorical reference by Isaiah likening the King of Bayblon to
Helal ben Shahar, the day star, son of dawn, who in Canaanite myth wanted
to be chief god but was hurled down to earth instead.

Uncanny the relvance and possible future relevance of Isaiah to modern times.


Horace Heffner          

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