Hi Jed,

Having lived in Japan as a wee child back in the late 50s I also learned to 
appreciate the luxury of a good hot steaming bath. 

I also liked the fact that Japanese tubs are deep.


> Meant baths. [Japanese] do not pamper fish (or Robert Bass) in Japan.
> - Jed

Kan't speak for Robert, but I'm not so sure about the fish. Ever been to a Koi 
show? I?ve been to a few here in the U.S.


But back on subject:

I didn?t mean to suggest that a 100 square mile solar farm was a good idea 
either. I agree that thousands of distributed solar farms strategically 
sprinkled here and there across the nation would be preferable. The closer the 
source the less electricity would be lost in long distance transmission. I 
remember the U.S. Energy Flow Trends ? 2000 chart you brought to my attention. 
I seem to recall that more than 60% the electrical energy pumped into the 
transmission lines is simply lost getting to their final destinations.

Quite an eye opener.


Steven Vincent Johnson

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