Standing Bear wrote:

> and half truths.  The detractors of nuclear power in this case deliberately 
> caused financial and legal problems for the industry . . .

The legal problems were caused by the Three Mile Island accident. It was the 
most expensive industrial accident in history by far. It nearly bankrupted the 
power company. The detractors never cause 0.01% as much trouble as the people 
who designed that plant, and the Federal regulators who allowed it to operate. 
It was an accident waiting to happen. Two identical accidents occured in plants 
of the same design previously, but nothing was done to correct the problem. The 
third time, it lead to a meltdown, which destroyed half the core.

> The nuclear power constructing utilities realized that by the
> late 60's and early seventies the national political will for further plant 
> construction had evaporated in the social ferment and draft dodger mentality 
of the Viet-Nam war.

Plant construction stopped all over the world, including in Japan and Russia, 
which were not affected by the Viet-Nam war or draft dodger mentality.

- Jed

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