Vorts never move, <grin> a plaeasnt diversion for science merely stimulates the group.
For example.
 Next generation windmills.
A tower the height proposed for wind electric power generation by the Australians would be overkill. Harnessing the vortices shed by a tower in the shape of a bowling pin may produce as much electric energy as a tower 5 times as high. Consider that vortices produce heat that can be detected by an infrared sensor similar to the Eastec wedge flow meter or a flock of migrating geese for that matter. An optimum shape could be configured that  captures wind energy efficently. A variation could be applicable to capturing ocean tidal and/or wave energy.
Way back when.. Schauberger proposed such a wind generator, there has been at least some advance in technology applicable to the original design. With the money NASA spends on wind tunnel tests, radical shapes for capturing the energy of wind for conversion to electric power is within reach.
Would someone like to take on the task?


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  • Re: CF RC Macaulay

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