The thought of water having properties in the order of a capacitor begs the question of HOW or what exactly triggers the discharge. Thinking of the energy discharged across the duration of a hurricane or tornado is astounding because an actual buildup of energy occurs as  the storm intensifies.
What is the triggering mechanism, and what is the mechanism that " dampens" the intensity until the vortex collapses to calm?
A hurricane in its awesome power DOES NOT discharge like a capacitor.. it continues to maintain and increase charge as it progresses.
The mechanism may NOT be the obvious.It may be a minor  temperature differential but it may be something much more elusive yet staring us in the face with a smile as nature often does.
I have often considered the migrating geese and their ability to remain airborne for extended time. The V formation and the
"honking" could be  more than a subtle clue. The V formation provides the trigger to create vortexes the geese use to remain aloft with little energy consumption. The Geese may use infrared sensors in their beaks to locate the vortexes.
BUT!!     why the honk? Is there more to the sound than we realize beside geese talk for company on a long  vacation?
Do sonics play a role in triggering or sustaining a vortex? In our tests of " shapes" that induce water vortexes, it seems the size of the shape is not important, it is the configuration ..we use very small parabolic shapes yhat can induce the generation of a vortex which in turn can release  a great amount of energy. Segments of parabolas have concentrating features as demonstrated by a rock group using amplifiers and parabolic speakers. Light sources concentrate at the base of a mirrored parabola regardless of the direction they enter.
SL and sonifusion use sound to trigger the SL  energy release.. but.. is it sound or light that is the triggering mechanisn?
Could it be the sound acts like a  fuse in a horwitzer and the resultant UV light be the gunpowder that produces the SL effect?
The SL effect can  repeatedly cycle as long as a bubble and sound are present. A hurricane magnifies over water  and decays over land.( Tornados form over land as well as water). but are we sure it is the land mass that stalls the winds that actually diminishes the energy release and it collapses like a discharged capacitor.
We have clues to finding Mr. Nobody (some describe him by his initials CENR).. He could be anywhere.. may even be lurking in this group..Only the shadow knows.


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