Baronvolsung wrote:

The movie Highlander 2, The Quickening starring Christopher Lambert, has a

Really Baron, this is a science discussion group. By that logic, you should mention the thermonuclear fusion reactors that powered Star ship Enterprise.

And Mike Carrol responded;

MC: That is a work of fiction based on misinterpretation of ideas floating

 The book the Giza Power Plant by Christopher Dunn proves that the Giza
pyramid in Egypt was used to create energy from water and hydrogen to

Leave it to the Baron to believe that a book proves anything. Where is his operating prototype? If that Gaza Power plant scheme would work, why hasn't the Egyptian government taken advantage of it?

MC: I have read Dunn's book and corresponded with him. He is an industrial
machinist who makes a few good points that many ancient Egytptian artifacts
could not have been fabricated by subtractive (cutting away) technologies

I listened to an interview in which the interviewee said that the machining on the granite box's inner corners was too precise to have been done even by modern machine tools.

rediscovered by Prof. Davidovits decades ago. The Giza plateau contains a
thick bed of clay-bearing limestone, which is exposed as the body of the
Spninx, now badly eroded. That bed of limestone is also exposed at the south
of the Giza plateau. When soaked in water, the clay liquifies and the
limestone crumbles into a mud. When some simple chemicals, including
concentrated lye, are added, the clay is converted into a binder which
slowly cures, producing a limestone concrete which looks like native stone.

Where did they get all the lye? I find it odd that, given that a chemical analysis would show this that this reaction happened, that Professor Davidovits is the only researcher to have reached this conclusion. If they poured the blocks, why blocks, why not just form up a layer and pour it all at once? Hum, maybe they wanted it to look like they built it out of quarried blocks.

Now if I can just figure out how to build one of those transporter beams like the SS Enterprise has.

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