Terry Blanton wrote:

Prometheus Effect wrote:

The Prometheus Effect allows a permanent magnet to
lift a ferromagnetic mass against gravity and then to
cause it to be released (with no significant magnetic
dragback) while retaining the PE gained by the lift.

Does the height of "lift" vary with the particular planet?

It varies depending on whether Maxwell's equations apply on the particular planet where the effect is being measured. It's maximized on planets where Maxwell is completely wrong, and goes to zero on a sliding scale as we approach planets on which Maxwell's equations are exactly correct.

To the extent that it's observable on Earth, careful analysis will reveal that, if Maxwell's static equations are correct, then either the principle of superposition or the concept of a retarded potential must not be exactly correct, as they can be used to extrapolate macroscopic conservation of energy from the reasonably well understood interactions of a single pair of charged particles.

Now it's just engineering effort, time and money,

You betcha. That, plus a bit of time rewriting a few physics books -- and it might be a good idea to take a quick look at some thermo texts that may need some revising as well.

Please don't take this to mean I think the effect can't be real. As always, experiment trumps theory. I'm just pointing out that if the effect _is_ real, then it is revolutionary on a far more fundamental level than such mundane effects as cold fusion, gravity shielding, or even most proposed methods for harnessing ZPE.

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