In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Mon, 02 May 2005 13:36:20
>Jean-Paul Biberian sent me the ICCF-11 papers on a CD-ROM. There are 63 
>papers. I am presently entering them into the EndNote database and rename 
>the files according to the LENR-CANR filename conventions. Most are in 
>Microsoft Word format. When I finish renaming them, I will upload them to a 
>protected folder (with a password). If anyone would like to volunteer to 
>assist me in editing them I would appreciate it.

In what sense do they need to be edited?

>Several of these papers do not seem relevant to cold fusion. One is about 
>water memory and another is about traditional alchemy. I have nothing 
>against these subjects, but I do not think I should include the papers in 
>the LENR-CANR collection, because people come to the site to learn about 
>cold fusion, not these other subjects.

There may well be a link between CF transmutation and traditional

>Readers here may recall that I had an argument with Gene Mallove about 
>this. He never understood my position. He wanted me to give minority views 
>and unusual ideas a chance to be seen, by allocating webspace to them. I 
>said that the Internet is unbounded and all papers everywhere on it can be 
>accessed with equal ease, so there is no need to present a mixture of 
>papers about different, unrelated subjects in one web site. A paper about 
>alchemy in a web site devoted to that subject can be found just as easily 
>as any paper on, or for that matter as easily as any paper in 
>the White House web site, because nearly all readers find papers via 
>Google. Gene's ideas were obsolete, being based on the limitations of paper 

Here you make the assumption that the alchemy papers are in fact


Robin van Spaandonk

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