----- Original Message ----- From: "Jed Rothwell"

This one would be nice if true: http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/MoonDthenucleov.pdf

Indeed, it is interesting, even if Moon fits into a "certain" mold... but at least I hope that someone with experimental skills is trying out the possible variations of the self-powered transistor (diode) theme ... but... (caveat).

Here is some more info on the writer, David Moon:

Unfortunately (or fortunately for some readers of this forum) the author wants to promote his own religious perspective using LENR and CF as a model for broader and more tenuous religious beliefs, to wit:

" In Carbon Dating, Cold Fusion, and a Curve Ball, the author postulates interfering nuclear (element) changes occurring in the Earth, and proposes that extensive element transmutations occurred from intense hydrodynamics during the Flood of Noah (Genesis 6-8). If so, it is conceivable much alteration of radioactive elements took place, rendering unreliable the radioactive dating results in most analyses done today. A relatively simple test of this theory is outlined. The test would use a piece of bismuth metal, a tank of water, and a boat's outboard motor."

Even if he is correct, mixing science with religion will get you only a larger measure of suspicion and ridicule from the people who matter in the physics establishment, and in a field which does not need any added layers of disbelief, it is unwise to do so until you have demonstrated you are correct on one or the other.


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