Hello, all

For the topologically jaded once again - a new little
tidbit from Dr. Sam Faile.

Since the beginning of the year, as I had been playing
off and on with the wisp reactor plasma electrolysis
rig, Sam felt compelled to go back into his search for
knotted and unique structured coil arrays that would
produce "anomalies" in a most general sense. (ranging
from psycho-interactive effects to small weight shifts
to thermal differentials)  Many of the latest
creations are 3rd and 4th order extensions of caduceus
coils, wound up into "superballs" and
"super-hyperballs".  After you make a caduceus out of
a caduceus, the goofin things sort of form spheres or
pillow-like masses...as well as running out of
formally derived names to call them.  His collection
of strange-geometry-to-make-Lovecraft-shudder has
grown quite robust, and his new apartment has
blossomed since the fire that destroyed much of his
old work last year.

Anyhoo, my son recently posted Sam's latest curiosity
on the SPFaile website:


As the gentle reader will note, Dr. Faile still
prefers his archive of lab notebooks to either a
typewriter or computer.

Sam is a patient sort - he creates the arrays, and
then lets them sort of saturate into the nearby
environment.  He then looks at their interaction with
living and non-living structures, and goes into a
photography phase to try capturing elusive optical
anomalies.  This most recent seems to create regions
of blue-grey haze or optical distortion, as well as
occasional occurances of visually noted phantom leaves
on the bamboo plant in the middle.

Back to lurkerland; bully for mum


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