Is it my imagination or is there a churning going on with Wall Street. The seesaw is too balanced as if  a giant computer program has control of the game. It fluctuates at near 150 back and forth weekly.
Some opinions have it that IF the Dow drops below 10K there is NO bottom.
Some opinions have it the Dow will creep up to just below 11K before the summer doldrums bring it back to near 10K.
Some opinions have it there is a horrible correction looming after the 2nd quarter's reports are in.
In Texas, near retirement age people are selling their California homes for 2 plus mil, moving to Texas near Kerrville into  a bigger brand new home for 250K and banking the difference as retirement . A mil and 3/4 will give you a fairly good retirement posture.
While I watch the discussions on " outsourcing" the reality is the nation simply cannot afford a drop in the Dow and expect to sell the Social Security reform package that permits investments in the equities market.
 Harvard has money in the stock market.... could we afford to lose Harvard and Yale? Between these two , they supply the Government with the brainpower and  the Presidents of our nation.   eeerrr, well by way of Texas.


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