Hi Jones,
We are in an ever increasing state of change in the world to which a significant factor is the computer and its manifestations like the internet , the X Box and an increase in worldwide scientific cumulative understanding.
I mentioned a tiny segment of change coming in mathematics wrought by such seeming unrelated items like the XBox.
Back in 1990, Rice University embarked on a " parallel computing" project that has since moved on. The task was almost insurmountable in 1990 yet today XBox and Game boy has some of the software completed to handle parallel. The task is ,of course , to connect the software of 4 computer integral to achieve " quadratic computing' rather than parallel. Quantum computing has been mentioned ,however, this is an imaginary concept whereas quadratics are now achievable with existing software.. albeit in bits a pieces awaiting the math minds assmbling such into useful tools.
There are perhaps 25 or more persons in the world that are looking at this very challenge in quadratic computing including  young wizards as young as 7 years old.
 The youth of today are subliminally aware of change and participate willingly regardless of its true worth. This bothers me because it has no base of goodness or decency.
What is seen as a cultural gap is actually a restructuring of "classes". The wealthy and educated are moving further apart into a " class"  that will take another generation to fully recognize.. yet it is presently exemplified in legislative laws passed at the direction of paid lobbyists.
Not so much wealthy individuals as wealthy organizations and the hierachy represented by the people that control them.. This is the new " class " emerging. I describe these people as .. ones that have unlimited wealth at their command without actually " owning " the wealth themselves. Enron's leaders with Enron's resources at their command.. soon  became obsessed with the notion they "owned" the place and were immune to law. 


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