Frank, When I consider a tool for analysis of the SMOT , I keep returning to the thought of quadratic computing. Such a system for mathematical modeling would permit the answer to be loaded and the formula derived.. hehe.. the ultimate in " reverse engineering". hmmm,, not so far out ..considering the 3D graphics software available.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Grimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 11:56 PM
Subject: RE: non-looping smot

At 06:48 pm 13-05-05 -0400, Keith wrote:

I hadn't really thought of that...a funny image, that.

All the same, it seems clear from experiment that
multiple ramps can be joined in a line. Perhaps as
you say, after many such ramps the ball will peter
out, hooking somewhere between the exit and entrance.
It would seem like frictional losses would mount
as you progressed down the line. Yet each ramp
could also been seen to be adding a certain amount
of energy, to be subtracted on the return trip.

It'd really be better to focus on one ramp, and the
critical return circuit. I suggested to Greg, with
the usual utter lack of acknowledgement, that
this would be his unique piece of IP to be patented.
The "heart and soul" of the SMOT. The ramp had
already been done by someone else, as I mentioned.
He claimed to have not followed up on Emil Hartman,
but someone should, probably an interesting story


If the SMOT does actually work I can see theoretical
reasons why it might. In effect one would be taking
the ball around a generalized Carnot cycle with
magnetic field stress as the analog of pressure
and gravity as the analogue of temperature. I discussed
the hierarchical nature of the Carnot cycle in
one of my previous emails.

If you think about it carefully, the magnetic field is
stretching the ball horizontally and the gravitational
field is stretching the ball vertically.

    In Hoc Signo Vinces   ;-)

Also, because the two effects are acting at right
angles they are acting as virtually independent
variables like finite x and y dimensions.

I shall do as you suggest and look at Naudin's
site more thoroughly.

If the effect is real then it could depend on
the orientation of the apparatus in relation to
the "fixed stars" for the reasons discussed on
Ing.Saviour's web-site some time ago.

However, like the Wright brothers flight, it only
needs one legitimate example for PoP.


Frank Grimer

P.S. I have just re-read your post above and realise
that you make a very important observation:

   "Yet each ramp could also been seen
    to be adding a certain amount of
    energy, to be subtracted on the
    return trip."

If orientation in space is important then it will be
impossible to close the circle since energy will
indeed be gained in one direction but lost in the

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