Tapping the ZPF is just one thing my device does (IMO) by creating high energy plasma events which trigger strange localized effects. BTW, It is the Plasma that is responsible for the anomalous effects in cold fusion, fusion and Ken Shoulders EVO transmutation events. I suspect Cook is also triggering plasma into action, and why not if it works? My work is very different from Ken as I use 60 - 350 VDC to generate a very destructive plasma.
I have found commercial applications for my Plasma that avoid the Toxic Waste destruction, Hydrogen Production, Nuclear Remediation, Transmutation, Fusion and ZPE (etc.) attack syndrome, and usually limit mentioning these areas to ebay. Personally, I like the potential markets that Synthetic Diamonds represent, especially the new and unexpected forms that are produced with my equipment - like diamond semiconductors and magnetic carbon. We attempted to solve the sp2/sp3 ratio mystery by having NMR analysis performed on the nanophase diamond powder - except the Carbon spectrum could (and still cannot) be identified.
Chris Arnold
Nick Cook, author of Hunt for the Zero Point was interviewed on C to
C AM recently. He maintains that we are on the verge of cohering the
ZPE. While I would love to see this work, I've yet to see any
evidence of it. I'm wondering if anyone has read his book? He is in
the process of setting up a website, and perhaps he will take
questions. Until I see some experimental evidence for his claims, I
will continue to regard both his first and the forthcoming second
book as just more vaporware.

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