Hmmm, well, we didn't get it. AAMOF we called Prof. Ditmann (her Jewish French husband) and he didn't get it. 'Wind' is 'le vent' in French. 'Lover' means 'to coil'. Lover le vent? To coil the wind? A vortex? So maybe you are using a scientific term which the good professor is unfamiliar.

Ha, sacre bleu.. the tricolored laugh is on me, mon ami...or is that "bon ami" and better clean than wha'd'I mean... ?

....looks like I am a victim of my own exuberance, and got emmerded, tout suite, in an all-English problem, the infamous homonym.

I knew "vent" was the common noun but that didn't pun-out..., like an imbecile parfait, I went to the online F-E dictionary where "wind" with a long-eye, so to speak, can be easily confused (by the short-sighted) with "wind" with a short-eye.

Guess I will have to rest my F-E punage laurels on "le loi d'emmerdement maximum"...

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