An interesting story at first glance... until one digs a little deeper, Terry.

He doesn't remind me of Harrison Ford:

Nada bit. Looks a lot like Yoda, ugly and just plain wierd... if the ears were more pointy he would be a dead-ringer. Reminds me more of a cracked-pot than a real archaelogist. BTW "achur" in Hebrew does mean "ugly" and hopefully he will consider making it his permanet home, and never come back to civilization.

Maybe that degree of dedicatied wierdness comes with the territory. Oops, sorry Richard, but I was refering to the surname, not the great state of Texas... or as we like to say in May-he-co, Tay-hoss.

Texas Monthly reported that "Lucas and Spielberg say they never heard of Vendyl Jones" adding that George wrote the story in 1973, which predates any mention of Vendyl in the press, or those BS claims, by four years... the real inspiration for the name Indiana Jones? ... the character's name came from Lucas's dog, "Indiana"... with him as he wrote the story but now being cloned in South Korea.

The best thing that can be said about this nut-case Vendyl, babtist-turned-noahide, is the seemingly insightful (anywhere **else** but Israel) quote: "Then I made the mistake of asking permission to do it. That was before I learned that in Israel is a lot like heaven - it is a lot easier to get forgiveness than it is permission."

Yup...but a lot easier to get shot in Israel than get forgivenss - one might add, which might be the only cure for that high-degree of ingrained stupidity.


Calexico Jones

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