Jones wrote..
Maybe that degree of dedicatied wierdness comes with the
territory. Oops, sorry Richard, but I was refering to the surname,
not the great state of Texas... or as we like to say in May-he-co,
No hay differencia en punto! Jones.
Few can laugh harder at Texas than Texans. The Aggies print the best jokes about themselves. Texas is actually a  STATE.. a state of mind.
One of my defining moments was some years ago outside the small town of Hebbronville in the brazada country of south Texas where everything either stinks, stings or sticks.
Stopped in the only place open late at night for a cup of coffee. Tiny cantina, two at the bar, one behind, coffee was thick as syrup. Sat  watching. Two at the bar holding onto longnecks for fear of falling off their stools. No conversation, just silence.
As I looked over to the doorway that would be covered by a board at closing time  I noticed a hand written sign..
"If you spit on the floor at home, do it here , because we want you to feel at home"
Only in Texas.. my kinda place. And what a shame the news cartoonists can only make fun of "W's" ears when there is so much more to laugh about in Texas.
Granted, we sometimes do forget to keep the fences mended and a few strays wander out like "Texas" Jones.
 Just shoo him back in !!


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